October 31, 2022
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July 19, 2022
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November 18, 2021
This is one of my pet projects… First started during the glory days of FLASH. Nowadays most people don’t even know that plugin anymore. How time flies… I noticed I was still getting almost two thousand monthly visitors on this website, but because plugins no longer work, I though is was time for an update. […]
September 10, 2021
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March 23, 2021
Read more about Pollinator Park project on my company website Poppins & Wayne Play in web browser Play on Oculus Quest Play on Oculus Rift
April 12, 2020
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January 12, 2020
APICA – Virtual Reality Concepts APICA – Digital Twin APICA – 360 Port of the Future – Supernova 2019 APICA – Digital Twin – Public 2019 APICA virtual assistant – Inspirational 2020 APICA – inspirational book 2020 Virtual team meeting iNoses: Volatile organic compounds detection and source identification
May 27, 2019
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December 21, 2017
Denk je dat jouw smartphone van levensbelang is? Probeer je dan maar eens voor te stellen hoe belangrijk zo’n toestel is wanneer je vlucht voor je leven. Het is je enige connectie met je vertrouwde omgeving in bange tijden. Je enige lichtpunt in donkere gebergtes en de enige die je vertelt in welk land je […]
September 17, 2017
Augmented Reality application for Port Of Antwerp. Dankzij deze app komt de reuzengrote satellietfoto van de haven tot leven. Loop met de app over de kaart die je vindt in het atrium van het Havenhuis of in het MAS Havenpaviljoen en ontdek in real time welke schepen er in de dokken en sluizen liggen. Bruggen, […]
June 10, 2017
Part of a pitch for building constructor (via Alligence Communications)
March 15, 2017
Augmented Reality user guide for Siemens Scadas audio analysing device. (via Alligence Communications)
October 15, 2013
EBEMA is one of Belgiums biggest manufacturers of cement tiles. For the opening event of their new production plant they wanted something to guide their visitors through the production process of their plant without putting them in harms way. I created a Kinect driven 3D installation where the visitor had to move in front of a […]
August 6, 2013
On ForestPals.com, toddlers and preschoolers can discover fun, enriching exercises, games and creative applications in a meaningful and educational environment. Thanks to their ease of use, the games are a perfect fit both for a school and a home environment. Little adventurers can play online for free or have their parents buy the tablet app. […]
February 6, 2013
As you could read in the development blog of our Forlift Simulator, the CEMAT expo was a great succes. In fact, the simulator was so successful that Toyota asked us if I could integrate more safety training lessons in the system. I replied with the proposal of a major upgrade… Results were so good even UNITY3D invited me to come […]
October 6, 2010
An educational/serious game about the experience of being/becoming poor. ‘PING’ or ‘Poverty is not a game’ was developed by Belgian multimedia company GriN specifically for high schools in the framework of the European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion. A serious game in 3D, PING shows teenagers first hand what it is like to […]
July 1, 2008
Energie State is an educational online game to raise awareness on energy production, supported by the Flemish government, developed for HUBrussel. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-fUih5pbRX0 Er ooit al van gedroomd een heel land van Energie te voorzien? Met Energie Rijk kan je als minister van Energie van Energium deze droom waarmaken én ondertussen nog iets bijleren ook! Energie Rijk […]